Last Thursday I went to the eye doctor for my annual eye exam. I really debated whether or not it was worth having an eye exam since visual changes are common with pregnancy and usually correct themselves after birth and/or breast feeding.
Over the past couple of months I noticed my vision had been getting progressively worse. To the point I was starting to avoid driving out of town at night because I did not feel I could see well enough to be a safe driver. It was during a trip back from Spokane last month that Bryan convinced me that, yes; I did need to get my eyes checked.
During my eye exam they discovered my vision had regressed significantly, which was a shock to everyone since I had a form of
Lasik eye surgery about 4 years ago. The doctor stated that he had never seen someone’s vision get this bad with pregnancy and it was not safe for me to be driving without glasses. I asked if it could be related to the fact that I am pregnant with twins, but he did not think that twinning vs. a singleton pregnancy should make that big of a difference.
My vision ended up being bad enough that I have to wear glasses for the rest of my pregnancy and most likely while breastfeeding. He wants me to follow-up with him a couple months after I deliver and possibly again after I am finished breastfeeding to make sure I will not need a touch up on my
Lasik, but he still feels that it is related strictly to pregnancy.
My glasses arrived yesterday and there is a big difference. I will post pictures soon.