Kaden's appointment couldn't have gone any better. He got an amazing report. We recently stopped his breathing treatments on our own because they seemed to be irritating his eye. I was a little nervous about what the doctor would say about it, but after listening to his lungs he said, "It doesn't really seem as though he needs them, does it." I agreed. The doctor was very pleased to see that he had been weaned completely off of his oxygen since his last visit and was surprised that we didn't even have to use it at night. He said that as far as he was concerned there was no evidence of any lasting effects of his prematurity. We were both soooo happy to hear this.
We only have to use the breathing treatments if Kaden gets a cold and we don't have to pay another visit to the pulmonologist for 6 months. He wants to see how he does through the cold and flu season and then if everything looks good we will only have to visit him as needed.
We stopped by the NICU to say hello to some of our old friends. Dr. Egger was not there but we did see Dr. Bodenstein who was very pleased to see how well the boys are doing. We also got to see two of our favorite nurses, Karen and Marissa.
While we were up at the NICU Marissa had just found out she was pregnant so it was so fun to see her with a belly and to hear that she is having a girl. Although our stay at the NICU was difficult at times we really do miss the friends we met while we were there and it is nice to stop by, but just for a visit.

The boys looking beary cute

Braylon Bear

Love the new pictures! Keep them coming... I think you need to update more!!! in your spare time that is :)