Kaden is still nippling about half of his feeds but keeps plugging away and does a little better each day. They have been able to gradually turn down the flow on his cannula and he has tolerated 2 liters from 3 liters for the past couple of days. Our goal is 1 liter of flow in order to go home on oxygen.
Both boys have their own obstacles to overcome before they are able to go home. Braylon has to stop having his brady spells and pass the car seat test. He is having lots of trouble with reflux which is the primary source of the drops in his heart rate. Kaden has to get his liter flow down on his oxygen and be able to tolerate it at 1 liter, although he has very few brady spells he has to outgrow those, be able to nipple all of his feeds, and pass the car seat test.
I am hoping that we will be home by their due date because they were due on Mother’s Day and that would be the best Mother’s Day gift ever. The nurses keep telling me that one day everything will just click and they will stop having the bradys, etc. I just keep waiting for that day to get here.
Here are some more cute pictures from everyone to enjoy.
P.S. Today is Daddy's Birthday but we can't say much yet until he is here to open his gifts.



GGramma Betty and I were able to share a birthday dinner with Bryan this evening - it was fun and we were glad to be able to share the ever-present twinkle in his eyes when he talks of the boys, their progress, you and all of your's wonderful future that is opening. We also saw the weight of responsibilty that is residing in those eyes as well. Sure wish that you guys' intense situation could be broken-up into pieces - we would sure take a chunk of it off your hands if we could!! As my old hippie friends would have said "Keep strong, Earth Mother!!!"
ReplyDeleteI love the hands held together! They are going to have such a special bond! Awwwww!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures of the boys! they are starting to look like they are getting little personalities. So fun to see them grow thanks for the updates!