Monday, April 19, 2010

more ups and downs

It’s amazing that in less than a week the boys change so much. They look bigger, have more color, and are more alert every time I come back and see them. Both boys are doing well, and have been separated again. Braylon was having to many brady spells and needed to be more elevated after he ate. The nurses didn’t think that would be fair to Kaden since he was doing alright just the way he was. It also makes it easier for us to do their cares. The crib sharing was fun while it lasted. Plus I think Kaden was getting tired of Braylon bragging about breast feeding and nippling all his feeds and stinking up the place.
Kaden was able to nipple a couple of feeds today. They have put him on lasix, which helps him get out the extra fluids that he is holding onto. This also allows his respiratory rate to be lower and then he is allowed to eat from a bottle or mama. We leave it up to him. They also said to not be surprised if he loses a little weight since they put him on it, but as of last night he weighs 4lbs 9oz. He is starting to be a little porker. Ash and I decided to try and nipple feed him every other care as long as he is up to it. We hope that it will help him grow and hopefully get him out of here faster.
Braylon has been doing a lot better with his brady’s since being elevated. As of tonight he only had a hand full, which is a move in the right direction. It seems to be with him whenever one problem gets better another occurs. He has been getting some stomach problems we think. Before when he was done feeding you could guarantee that he would have a surprise waiting in his diaper, today and yesterday it hasn’t been happening. After he eats he doesn’t really want to burp or leave a surprise and that has been irritating him. He will fuss and fuss and all we can do is try to get it out. The nurses brought him some gas drops and it seems to work but it takes a little while for it to sink down into his system. Hopefully he will do better tonight and he will let out a good one for his nurse. Even with his recent strike on pooping, he has gained weight and is now at 6lbs 1.2oz. At the rate he is going he will be crawling out of the NICU.

1 comment:

  1. It gets so frustrating watching everyone else take their babies home. Don't worry. It wont be much longer. Good luck guys, keep your chins up!
