The boys are now 2 weeks old, and they look so different from when they were first born. Since tonight will be my last night here with Ash and the boys, I think we are all sad about it. I have been trying to spend as much time as I can with all of them and get in as much cuddle time as I can with the boys. I have been able to hold Braylon everyday at least once. Today I was holding him after I had changed his diaper and did the rest of his cares. It seemed that he was pretty comfy as he let out what I thought was just gas. If you had read the post from yesterday, I talked about a “Dutch Oven”, to my surprise that was what the boy gave me. When he lies on my chest he has a blanket that covers his body to help keep him warm. He wasn’t sleeping this time so every time I would talk he would shift around trying to see where it was coming from. Every time he would shift he would give me a dose of the putty he made in his diaper. Yes, he pooped while I was holding him and not even 10 minutes after I had changed his diaper. I ask Ash and the nurse if they could smell anything and both said no. It was alright I let him lay in it for awhile then put him back in his bed and changed his diaper again. He has been doing very well with his cares and with progressing. Today he had gained 1oz, and he is back to his birth weight of 3lbs 5oz. I’m not sure if he has grown any in length as I forgot to ask the nurse, so probably tomorrow I will ask.
As for Kaden, he is still moving up and then back down. Every time we think he is going to get the c-pap off for good, his little body just works too hard and they put it back on. Earlier in the week Ash posted that Kaden had been getting a little a pale. Late last night, and mid-day today we saw it again. The nurse was giving us some ideas on what it might be, she said he could be coming down with a bug, getting to much milk and not being able to digest it, or that he might just be getting worn out. The little guy, “tank,” has been working hard trying to catch up to big brother. When Dr. Egger came in today he said Kaden wasn’t getting a bug, and that it might be better to take his feedings down to 20 calories instead of 22 calories. They also decided to try and switch him from c-pap to a cannula every 4 hours. His first try he seemed to fuss a little and then they put his c-pap back on and he didn’t like it. The last couple of days he has been trying to rip it off his face. Most of the nurses agree with us in saying take off the c-pap and let him use a cannula. When it was time for his second go around, 8 pm, he was much better. His eyes were wide open and he was very happy. I was able to hold him for 40 minutes and I finally did skin to skin. I have to admit it was very weird. I made the nurse shut the curtain and had her give me a couple blankets to put over the 2 of us. Neither I nor Kaden minded it at all, and it made Ash happy that I at least tried it out. He was awake almost the whole time and even did a couple of push-ups on my chest. He was trying to turn his head and would just about get there, and then he would face plant into my chest. As of last night the nurse said Kaden had lost a couple of ounces but she didn’t give me his weight. He has grown 2cm since birth, and now he is at 41cm.
Keep growing little guys! We miss you