Braylon is back on the regular cannula and doing well. He has had fewer desats and bradys the past couple of days and continues to gain weight. Today when Bryan and I showed up for the boys’ morning care times a woman was holding Braylon. Bryan and I both looked at each other and thought, who is this strange lady holding our son. It turned out she was a physical therapist who was working with Braylon to decide if he will be ready to start working on breastfeeding soon. She showed us different things to work on to get Braylon ready to breastfeed and said that developmentally he is doing great for his gestational age.
Kaden was still a little too stressed to work with the physical therapist today but she did show us some things to work on to help him until she feels comfortable working with him in a couple of days. Everyone keeps saying he is nowhere near being able to work towards breastfeeding right now but we can keep encouraging him to use his pacifier to help him practice sucking and breathing.
Daddy headed back today so he could work the next three days. The boys and I are already anxiously waiting for Saturday when he will be back up here with us. We miss him so much when he is gone. Grammie Brenda will be staying with me until Thursday or Friday of this week to keep me company. This will really make the time go by much quicker. My parents, brother, and my grandma will be back up Saturday afternoon and Bryan will be back in the evening. I just keep telling myself, another week down.
Mommy holding Kaden
Daddy holding Braylon
They are still in the NICU but they already have Papa all worn out
Grammie Marcie holding Braylon
Papa Darold holding Braylon
Papa Mike holding Braylon
The first bad habit we will have to break (look closely, this is what Bryan discovered when opening Braylon's bed)
Kaden's 3 week picture with his bear
Braylon's 3 week picture with his bear
Braylon all balled up
"Bryan and I both looked at each other and thought, who is this strange lady holding our son?"
ReplyDeleteWhew - Sounds like the therapist was flirting with real trouble when the mama and papa bear came onto the scene! Incidently, maybe Braylon was just giving his opinion regarding the room service or something.
Great report!!. Good news re: the ultra-sound.
We love you all!
GGrandma Betty and George
So glad to hear they are doing good! Love the pictures they are looking great! Talk to you soon