Braylon continues to just plug along. He is still on full feeds and I think I can see a little chub starting to form on his cheeks. They are going to try and thicken his feeds to help with his reflux. He has had a few desats and Dr. Egger believes they are related to his feedings rather than him forgetting to breath. He still gets to wear his clothes when he doesn’t mess on them. Today he had a hospital onesie on and he was just swimming in it. He really enjoys his holdings twice a day and has gotten our schedule down. He knows that he gets held at noon and 8pm and will lay in his little bed with his eyes open waiting for Bryan or I to come pick him up and rock him. I love it when Bryan is here because while he is holding Braylon I can spend time with Kaden and vice-versa. Last night we each got to hold a baby at the same time.
I had my two week follow up appointment and everything is looking good. My incision is almost completely healed and my blood pressure is back to normal. I have lost five more pounds since last week. I told them this is the first time I am actually excited to step on the scale. I’m moving back down to my smaller maternity clothes. At least I am getting my money’s worth. Hopefully I won’t have to keep my next follow up appointment in four weeks (we are hoping we are home by then), but the nurse practitioner is very nice and I have really enjoyed her care.
The boys had another visit from Grandma Brenda and a first time visit from Mike M. Brenda was able to get some more great pictures of the boys. She was even able to catch Kaden with his smirk. Kaden had his first family picture with mommy and daddy also. We haven’t been able to get a good one with him because he has always had the head gear on for the c-pap. He was really loving the camera today.
Bryan has headed back to Lewiston for his work week. It was hard again to see him leave, we both really miss each other while he is gone and he really misses his boys. I don’t think it will ever get easy. The phone calls with little updates have already started after the boys 8pm care times. It was nice to call and tell him that the boys are continuing to do good.
My Grandma, Great-Grandma Cloann, is going to be staying with me at the Ronald McDonald house until the end of this week. It will be nice to have her company. She made it to the boys 8pm care time with me and was able to steal a little snuggle from Braylon. When we left both boys were swaddled and sleeping. Kaden lost his hand privileges because he was pulling on his tubing, so he got put in a little baby straight jacket. He looked so comfortable swaddled in his bed I went ahead and swaddled Braylon and he enjoyed it too.
Kaden smiling

Family photo with Kaden

Braylon wide awake

Grandma Brenda with Bryan and Braylon

Braylon winking

Kaden wide awake

I think he might be laughing

We are so happy that the boys are getting better. Hopefully we will get to see you this weekend while we are up there.