sorry pictures wouldnt allow me to write by them, so we have my mom (grandma 1 of 2) the boys feet, and Ash holdin' Braylon
Well all is good on the Howland front. My mom and Ashley’s Grandma Cloann, Charlie, and Aunt Diane showed up today. It was the first time some of them have seen the boys, but seems to be the same reaction “Awww, they’re so cute and small” which sums it up for these first days. I say the same thing every time that I go up there.
Braylon was put on a cannula fulltime and had one of his umbilical lines removed. As soon as the last one is taken out Ash and I will be able to hold him. So another night of no sleep, because of the anticipation that is looming ahead. We took a lot more pictures today and couple of videos, still trying to download software so we can put videos online. It was disappointing today. The first time that Ash and I went up this morning I had the camcorder, but not much was going on with the boys. Ashley was able to feed Braylon and finally could reach in far enough to change his diaper. He received an enema mid morning and was able to squirt out some tar. Ash took it a lot better than I did, but Kaden had way more. That’s my opinion anyways. The second time that we went up there I was charging the camcorder and downloading software, which doesn’t work. We hung out for a couple hours, changed some diapers, swabbed their mouths with Ash’s miracle mix, and rocked Braylon to sleep. Yes, I was able to reach under his bed lift him up and kind of feel him in my hands. He was crying after they changed his pulse-ox from one foot to the other. The nurse said let’s try something and told me to put my hands under his small frail body and I was able to rock him. It was an amazing moment for me, but I forgot the camcorder. I held him for about a half n hour and was gently rocking him back and forth. I was talking to him and every time I said something he would open his eyes and look around and then at me. The whole time he was looking around and at times his eyes would go cross eyed while he was looking up. Then I would talk to him and he fixated on my mouth and sometimes would stare right into my eyes. As corny as it may sound, it was warm feeling because it was the first time that I had seen his eyes open. I invited Ashley over and had her start talking with him and he would just focus on us whenever we would open our mouths. It was hard to put him down but his cage was starting to wear on my arms. I can’t wait to be able to hold Kaden the same way. Other than that he has been doing very well, he is breathing on his own, getting closer to being tubeless, starting to get that excrement out of his system, and getting a taste of his magic juice, which will hopefully be equal to spinach to Popeye.
Kaden, although he is doing great, hasn’t been moving along as fast as Braylon. He had an enema the other day and has been closer to getting that black goo out of his system. He has been sucking down his homemade milkshake swabs with ease. Every time we put a q-tip is his mouth his lips closed and you can see him sucking on it. That’s great that he is taking to it so good, but like Braylon, he still has to learn to suck, swallow, and breath at the same time. As it looks now both boys are progressing like they should. Kaden was given a smaller diaper which I didn’t know that they could make. It almost fits his body perfect; still a little loose but looks a lot better. They put a smaller diaper on him to help get him some more light for his jaundice, which the nurses explained is common in premature babies. If I had ever been in a tanning bed that’s what I would imagine it being like. It’s nice that both of the boys are moving ahead. Kaden is getting to closer to being able to be put on a cannula fulltime. Our night nurse Cathy or Kathy has been incredible; she has been our night nurse 2 days in a row. She let Ash hold Kaden the first night, and tonight she let us give him a kiss goodnight. Those boys are doing more for us than they know, can’t wait to get them home and show them off. Our nurse was saying that if Kaden’s bilirubin gets better we will be able to do a lot more with him. Kaden also has to spend more time under the bili light, and getting some more of those messy diapers.
Just when I was starting to post this new blog, Ash, myself, and my mom decided that we needed to see those boys one more time. We happened to be just in time for their care times. We did the usual, change diapers, check temps, ooooohhhh and aaaawwww, and clean them up a bit. Tonight we added some more with Braylon. Our night nurse, let us take him out of his cage and Ashley was able to hold him on her chest. We also weighed him 3lbs 2oz. Apparently losing weight is a good thing, it means the boys are getting rid of their excess fluids. Now back to the holding part, Ashley was just glowing because this was the first time he was out of the dungeon. Unlike earlier today I remembered the video camera, and it will be one of the greatest moments. While Ashley was holding him I was able to feed him some of mama’s juice. Unlike earlier he sucked it right down like his little brother Kaden. I just hope I can figure out how to put the videos online. I’m sure Ashley will write more, because right now I’m on too big of a baby high to think of anything else. All in all it what was a great baby day and night.
They sound like they are doing awesome. That is so exciting!! Holding them is the best. Make sure she does Kangaroo was my FAVORITE!! You can do it too but Kyle was scared Beau would try to suck on his nipples the whole time!!